Jeep Grand Cherokee Automotive, Personal Visualization of a Jeep Grand Cherokee Personal render of a Jeep Grand Cherokee. Practicing plate matching, environment lighting, and atmospherics.
Ferrari 458 Automotive, Personal Visualization of a Ferrari 458 Personal render of a Ferrari 458. Practicing plate matching and environment lighting.
Audi R8 Automotive, Personal Audi R8 Visualization A personal render of an Audi R8. Practicing plate matching and different time of day environment lighting.
1970 Chevy Camaro Automotive, Personal Studio visualization of a 1970 Chevy Camero A small personal project. Render of a 1970’s Chevy Camaro. Practicing Studio lighting on an older vehicle.
MacLaren MP4 Automotive, Personal Visualization of a MacLaren MP4 on saltflats Another personal project, this time of a MacLaren MP4. Created the backplate with a combination of stock photography and CG groundplanes.
Mini Cooper Automotive, Personal 3D Visualization of a Mini Cooper in a Studio Small personal render of a Mini Cooper for lighting practice.
Lamborghini Gallardo Automotive, Personal 3D Lamborghini Gallardo visualization Created this Lamborghini render as part of a Keyshot rendering challenge. Never entered it.
Hyundai Veloster Interior Automotive, Personal Visualization of a Hyundai Veloster Interior 3D visualization of a Hyundai Veloster Interior rendered in 3DExcite’s DeltaGen
Castello Archviz, Personal 3D recreation of a hotel in Spain with some edits This visualization was created based on a photo of a hotel in Spain. However I transplanted the location to be seaside. Created for materials and lighting practice.
Residence Archviz, Personal A 3D recreation of a photograph of a modern residence I built this 3D scene based on a photograph from an architectural book as practice for lighting and materials.